
looking past

"All we really want is to get to the point where the past can explain nothing about us and we can get on with life. Whose history can ever reveal very much? In my view Americans put too much emphasis on their pasts as a way of defining themselves, which can be death-dealing."
" ... what I am a proponent of is forgetting. Forgetting dreams, grievances, old flaws in character—mine and others'. To me there is no hope unless we can forget what's said and gone before, and forgive it."
--Richard Ford, The Sportswriter

1 comment:

"triton" or "RPW" said...

I'll have to give Ford another chance. I read Lay of the Land, and had real difficulty (a) appreciating it, and (b) caring about the narrator. I don't find Frank Bascombe a sympathetic character--I don't mean that he doesn't do nice things or good things, but that he so frequently doesn't take responsibility for his actions (in some cases, for his inactions), and then suddenly bursts out and FEELS responsible. Or, worse, DOESN'T feel responsible.

I also don't agree with Ford's view of the past, as you've quoted from The Sportswriter. Or is it Bascombe's view only? I haven't read enough of Ford yet to distinguish between author and narrator. After all, "Those who don't study history..." etc., but that statement goes as well for learning from one's own mistakes.

However, you are the second friend whose literary judgment I respect who really likes Richard Ford, so I will read his other works...or at least I'll try.

Best to ya/triton